October 25, 2022
Fall is known for change; time change, temperature change, and change in clothing. Sometimes, change can welcome chaos. With the upcoming hectic season, we want to offer a few tips to keep you and your loved ones safe this autumn. Many of these tips may seem obvious, but it’s easy to overlook something so seemingly simple when you’re in the midst of chaos (no matter how fun that chaos may be). Below, you’ll find a few ways you can upgrade your preparedness this season, as well as some tips you can share with your family.
Don’t forget to check out our bonus tips at the end! These are our top 5 safety tips to share with your family as we head into a new season.
Time to bust out your favorite hoodie! Cooler temperatures mean you’ll naturally be wearing more clothes, which is great for the EDC community. Sweatshirts and jackets make it easier to conceal larger firearms without printing. Unfortunately, this is true for the “bad guys” as well, so we also recommend taking a look at your EDC bag to make sure you have everything, like a med kit and flashlight. Vertx Tactigami accessories are great to store these items, plus extra mags, or any other EDC essentials you can’t go without.
Of course, we’d be foolish to not mention that it’s easier to wear body armor with the cooling weather. Consider switching from off-body carry to a concealable vest like our Discreet Executive Vestwhich provides a significant amount of coverage but doesn’t scream “I’m wearing body armor”.
An often neglected aspect to consider is the safety measures involving your vehicle. It’s wise to include a warm blanket in your car; under the circumstance of a breakdown, you won’t regret having a blanket to keep you warm, especially if you’re stranded for quite some time.
Speaking of breaking down, colder weather also takes a toll on your vehicle’s battery. Be sure that you have jumper cables in all your vehicles, and that everyone in your family knows how to use them. Tire patch kits and a DC powered air pump are also great to have on hand. I also keep a get home bag in my truck. It has all sorts of useful tools. It obviously has one of our backpack inserts, a bleed control kit, a multitool, firestarter, gloves, and hat.
Remember that blanket we mentioned above? You could also use it to hide your valuables in your car. The theft of personal items or gifts from cars are 28% higher on Black Friday than any other day of the year.* When you’re Black Friday shopping, remember to cover your valuables and Christmas gifts!
Studies show that property crime reaches its maximum during the winter months*. Therefore, it’s wise to park your car in your garage if you’re able. If not, be sure your home has a working safety light or flood lights to deter any unwanted visitors at night. The same can apply when parking in public. If you or your family are out and about at the grocery store, mall, or sporting event, try parking under a light. Not only will it cause someone to second-guess breaking in, but it also serves as a great landmark for finding your car quickly and easily.
Dorothy said it best; there’s no place like home. When travel and deliveries are at an all time high, it’s important to remember your home safety. The first major fall holiday, Halloween, brings a 60% increase in property crime.* By making sure doors are locked and you keep your garage closed, you can deter any unwanted theft. If you haven’t already, consider an outdoor camera system like Ring, Blink, or Toucan to help monitor any movement.
But what about all of those deliveries that may pile up as we get closer to the holidays? If you know you’ll be getting packages delivered, try to arrange deliveries on a day you know someone will be home. With Amazon, you can group items at checkout so everything arrives in one box, drawing less attention than a stack on the front porch. You can even have deliveries shipped to a secure locker location, which may not be as convenient, but ensures you are the only one retrieving the package.
With traveling increasing during the holiday season, up 54% over Thanksgiving and 23% during Christmas and New Year’s, according to the US Department of Transportation, make arrangements for a friend or neighbor to collect any mail delivered while you’re gone. A full mailbox can be a signal no one has been home.
Many people also use daylight savings as a reminder to check the carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries for the winter.
It’s important to be fully aware and present in a parking lot. The first step would be to consider where you park. It’s best to park under lighting and away from vans with sliding doors. When walking in a parking lot, walk confident and keep your head on a swivel. You should be able to know who is walking in front, beside, or behind you.
Criminals often judge people by observing their body language and taking note if the potential victim presents awareness of their surroundings. Most attacks can be prevented by looking around to see if anyone is in the area or following you.
The only time you should use your cell phone in the parking lot is as an additional safety precaution. You could use your cell phone to call someone so a threatening person knows there is someone on the line to hear an attack. Otherwise,your cell phone is a distraction for you, and welcomes an opportunity for attack.
Tricks and treats aren’t the only thing you can get on Halloween. On average, crime-related claims spike by 24% on Halloween. With the cover of darkness and people gone from their homes and cars for extended periods of time, make sure you and your property aren’t a target by keeping your doors locked.
When it comes time for your kids to dress up and trick-or-treat, make sure they know a few simple situational awareness skills before heading out. If they will be going out with friends, make sure they stay together and have them check in with you every so often to keep you updated. If you are planning to go with them, designate meet-up spots along the way, like the top of a smaller cul-de-sac. That way, you can keep an eye on everyone moving from house to house and reconvene at checkpoints. Remind them to keep their head out of their phones and be aware of their surroundings as much as possible.
In all of the excitement, make sure everyone is aware of cars. Halloween sees a 43% rise in pedestrian casualties, according to a study cited by the Institute for Childhood Preparedness.* Many families find it safer to trick-or-treat in a neighborhood instead of along a more trafficked road, but it’s always best practice to stay on the sidewalks.
We all know there is an insane amount of foot traffic around the holidays. Parking lots, malls, and stores are flooded with people. When leaving your car unattended to go shopping, again, it is important to keep your valuables covered and park under lighting.
If you’re shopping with your kids, always keep them within reach. Have your kids walk in front of you if possible. If you choose to split up from your teenage kids, have them check in with you periodically.
It’s important to note as well that a high percentage of attacks occur near ATMs in busier locations, even if it is in broad daylight. Never flash your money, but keep it concealed until it is time to pay. In some cases it may be wise to have your money spread in different locations like your purse and pockets.
It’s starting to get darker earlier, which makes it easier for people wanting to harm you to have the courage and cover of darkness on their side. When walking to your car, park under lighting and as close to an entrance as possible. Make sure your hands aren’t full and you have something easily accessible to defend yourself, like your firearm or pepper spray. As soon as you get into your car, lock the doors, and don’t sit scrolling on your phone, distracted, before driving away.
The darkness doesn’t have to be scary, but being aware of your surroundings and keeping your head up can make you less of a target. If you enjoy getting outside for exercise or a run, be mindful of where you choose to go, and keep your earbud volume down (and off noise cancellation) so you can hear what’s going on around you.
The great thing about our backpack armor is that it is TSA approved for travel! If you’re traveling to a city with a high crime rate, you’re able to take ballistic protection with you. Just because you’re in a gun free zone, doesn’t mean you should be completely without a line of defense. Consider traveling with armor in your backpack, wearing an Everyday Armor T-Shirt, or putting a ballistic insert in the purse.
We’ve all seen Home Alone and know what robbers will do once they realize you’re out of town! Your home is vacant, you’re away, and who’s to stop them from breaking in? Be wise. Don’t post on social media that you’re traveling for the holidays or that you’re out of town.
Have someone you trust collect your packages if you do receive a delivery, or schedule deliveries for when you’re home to receive them.
We know some of these may sound like common sense, but when life gets busy, you and your family's safety shouldn’t be something that gets put on the back burner.
The theft of personal items or gifts from cars are 28% higher on Black Friday
Halloween, brings a 60% increase in property crime
43% rise in pedestrian casualties during Halloween
November 01, 2022
Great article, I would definitely say a pocket knife with you at all times, and a lighter(packed fist)
November 01, 2022
Avoiding fights and problematic people when possible is exceptionally important as well. Not always possible but there’s no reason to engage with idiots who will probably end up suing you anyway.
November 01, 2022
WOW! Don’t know how this came to my email but very glad it did. A lot of useful info.
Jim N.
November 01, 2022
Good stuff
November 01, 2022
Awareness is so key.
November 01, 2022
Good stuff! Like others have already said – pay attention to your surroundings at all times.
November 01, 2022
Some very good tips given.
November 01, 2022
Good practical suggestions that too many people take for granted. Complacency kills.
November 01, 2022
Great tips! Stay warm and stay hydrated!
November 01, 2022
Great info, thank you!!
November 01, 2022
Great tips and advice.
November 01, 2022
Alway have someone know where you are heading and roughly what time you will be there.
November 01, 2022
Thanks for the information.
November 01, 2022
All good reminders. Always remember the safety zone around you. The personal space in which you can react may be life saving once the bad guy gets in to close the time to react becomes none.
November 01, 2022
Definitely got to pay attention to come more nowadays
November 01, 2022
October 31, 2022
Looks pretty good!
October 31, 2022
These are all very good suggestions for those willing to listen.
October 31, 2022
Great stuff as always
October 31, 2022
Great article, but folks should also practice situational awareness and put their phones away while running around!
October 31, 2022
always keeping my head on a swivel and being aware of my surroundings.
October 31, 2022
I definitely need one for my bug out bag
October 31, 2022
very interesting
October 31, 2022
October 31, 2022
Nice article. Thanks.
October 31, 2022
Fall can turn to winter in an instant !
October 31, 2022
I’ll be using some of the Halloween tips
October 31, 2022
Good idea to keep a blanket(s) in your vehicle for winter driving. If your vehicle breaks down, at least you have a way to keep semi warm until help arrives. Not everybody wants one, but I also have a cb radio in my primary vehicle.
October 31, 2022
Definitely need a more mobile medical kit for edc.
October 31, 2022
A well thought out article, Improving your prep is a continuing process.
October 31, 2022
EDC is always essential
October 31, 2022
Nice article. Important to stay safe out there.
October 31, 2022
October 31, 2022
EDC bag
October 31, 2022
We all need to be prepared for anything. You just never know.Thank goodness there are companies like this that Have excellent products like this.
October 31, 2022
I like having quality kit with me everywhere
October 31, 2022
Biggest thing in public is to be aware and not stuck in your phone. Also carry your tools and be proficient with them. I always have medical kits in my vehicle and /or backpack (somewhere in arms reach). This is a good article and I think just being prepared and aware are the two biggest things. Being prepared is also not just owning equipment, but being proficient with it and staying a student. Take actual training classes. Stay blessed everyone 🤙🏼
October 31, 2022
Always keep some extra hand warmer packets on you during the cold winter months.
October 31, 2022
I swap out my EDC, car kits, INCH bags, etc every season. It’s a great practice to get into, and allows you to re-evaluate products and necessities for each kit.
October 31, 2022
Stay dry and warm.
October 31, 2022
This would be a very convenient kit to win
October 31, 2022
I think the discreet concealment vest should be Level III+ or better there are a lot of crazies out there with rifles
October 31, 2022
All good reminders. It’s too easy to get distracted these days.
October 31, 2022
I always feel like somebody’s watching meeeeeeee
October 31, 2022
Great stuff!
October 31, 2022
regarding vehicle safety.
keep a backpack with spare socks, warm shirts/sweater, spare pants, gloves and a hat.
something i’d done for my cousin’s kids was to build them emergency bags for their cars. jumper cables, LED and reflector flares, multi-tool, space blankets, safety vest and a few other things. that was 4 years ago. those kids still carry those in their vehicles.
October 31, 2022
I always leave a car parked at my house when I’m out of town to give the appearance that someone is home.
October 31, 2022
Great article! Don’t know why the statistic of car theft being 28% higher in Black Friday surprised me, it only makes sense.
October 31, 2022
Good article. Maybe include some good signaling for a car that runs off the road.
October 31, 2022
Good reminders and checklist. Also a reminder that it isn’t just people to watch out for, but the wildlife as well.
October 31, 2022
Good article! Also keep med equipment handy in your vehicle and make sure batteries in flashlights are fresh for winter.
October 31, 2022
I preach to my sons to stay aware at all times. Thanks for the write-up.
October 31, 2022
Always be aware of your surroundings and suspicious of anyone who approaches you expectedly or unexpectedly.
October 31, 2022
Like that you are helping teachers get body armor
October 31, 2022
EDC is an essential this day and age.
October 31, 2022
The best motto is from the Boy Scouts, Be Prepared! Thanks for all the usual information! Love the giveaways too!
October 31, 2022
Good reminders and great information to keep in mind!
October 31, 2022
Recently visited NYC, where I was born and raised. Thought I need a vest, but I fortunately did not, what I did need tho was a gas mask… Man I forgot how much the city stinks. LOl
October 31, 2022
Keep everything charged and stuff ready!
October 31, 2022
Awesome info ! Thanks ! There’s a few things I can change to improve!
October 31, 2022
It’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you!
October 31, 2022
Excellent article!
October 31, 2022
You have to your wits about you. You can be armored like a Knight, and none of that will matter if your head is up your…phone. ;) I use mine as well…a phone, and I guess to enter contests. LOL…Happy Halloween everyone! Stay safe and good luck!
October 31, 2022
My thing is to be aware of your surrounding area at ALL times
October 31, 2022
I’m really surprised that property crime goes UP in the winter months. I would have assumed it was the other way around. Good to know! 🤜🤛
October 31, 2022
If you will be away for awhile, go online and sign up for the free mail hold service. They will stop delivering your mail until the date you ask for them to resume. It’s a free service.
October 31, 2022
Looking at the surrounding, whos seated at gas stations could they take your car if so would you be at the pump near a camera or public eye.
October 31, 2022
I transition from waist to shoulder rigs in the colder weather.
October 31, 2022
Never obscure your vision or hinder your hearing .. (in case of emergency vehicles) wear reflective items at night
October 31, 2022
Always prepare for the worst.
October 31, 2022
More details on EDC light options and medical would be good.
October 31, 2022
Interesting article
October 31, 2022
Interesting article
October 31, 2022
October 31, 2022
Always avoid “The Left” when possible.
October 31, 2022
Having the neighbors or friends gather your packages also deters the porch pirates.
October 31, 2022
Stay aware of your surroundings. Take note of exits and entrances.
October 31, 2022
Staring at your cell phone in a parking lot is often an invitation for criminals.
October 31, 2022
Knowledge is the key
October 31, 2022
quality intel
October 31, 2022
Be great to win this.
October 31, 2022
October 31, 2022
So cool
October 31, 2022
Good info!
October 31, 2022
We developed a kind of neighborhood buddy system. When it comes to package delivery and we know that the person might not be home one of us goes over and picks up the package to keep for them.
October 31, 2022
good stuff
October 31, 2022
Staying cool and not overheating is a priority for me
October 31, 2022
Do every thing to stay safe.
October 31, 2022
Good all around reminders and checklist
October 31, 2022
Keep several cans of Sterno in the car. They make excellent emergency heat. Have something to sit them on because the cans do get hot. The car jack will do.
October 31, 2022
Great tips. Thanks.
October 31, 2022
make sure windows and doors are locked on your home. so simple yet many people slack on this.
October 31, 2022
Thanks for the good info
October 31, 2022
Good stuff
October 31, 2022
I Have a flashlight in my bag, but I added a small pocket light to my EDC. Gotta be careful with the darkness
October 31, 2022
This is great advice. Thanks!
October 31, 2022
Lock your doors
October 31, 2022
Great information guys.
October 31, 2022
Always be aware of where you are, and keep your eyes up and not on the cell phone.
February 13, 2025
Plate Carrier MOLLE and Velcro attached accessories for plate carriers: mag holders, admin pouches, Comms, knives placards, packs, armor plates and more.
February 12, 2025
Even with body armor you might need immediate medical attention and that's where an IFAK, AFAK, or MFAK tactical first aid kit comes into play.
February 10, 2025
Over the centuries, U.S. presidents have faced assassination attempts—some successful and tragic. Read about some of the most talked about, and stories you may not have heard before.
I bought the carrier, and it arrived within a few days. I was happily surprised by the low weight, and rugged construction of the Alpha Carrier. I put a level 4 plate in both front and back, both of which fit like a glove. The sizing was easy to adjust, and the one size fits most is true of this product. Huge adjustment range. Very impressed by the Fortis Alpha Carrier, along with everything I have ever ordered from Premier Body Armor. Great job, guys!
After wearing my full body armor for 30-years, it isn’t conducive to under cover plain clothes work that I do now and it is so hot to wear during the summer. I put this armored t-shirt on and it fits like a glove, but is not uncomfortable. The first day I wore it alone, but the second day I wore a form-fitting micro fiber tank top under it and it really felt good. I actually had no wetness because the bottom top absorbed it. It was a warm day, but nothing like sweating intensely with full body armor. I ordered a second carrier shirt to switch out for washings. With my gear on and plain black tactical shirt, I am so much more comfortable on my feet for long hours. I should have bought this years ago.
As someone with extensive experience wearing a wide variety of body armor in the military, law enforcement, and physical security industries, I know firsthand the challenges of balancing protection, comfort, and concealment. The Everyday Armor T-Shirt has exceeded my expectations on all fronts.
This is by far the most comfortable body armor option I’ve ever worn. The lightweight design and breathable material make it ideal for all-day wear, whether you’re on duty or just out running errands. It’s so well-concealed that it doesn’t print, even under a fitted shirt, making it perfect for discreet protection without sacrificing mobility.
What sets this apart is how seamlessly it integrates into daily life. Unlike traditional armor that feels bulky or restrictive, the Everyday Armor T-Shirt feels like part of your everyday wardrobe while still providing reliable peace of mind.
If you’re looking for everyday protection that doesn’t compromise comfort or discretion, this is an outstanding choice. Highly recommend!
PBA is awesome. I own 3 backpack panels from them. I own panels for Vertx ReadyPack, Eberlestock Fade Sling, and now the Fade Adapt.
The Fade Adapt panel is huge. Fits snug into the backpack and covers a lot. Mainly gonna be used for traveling and camping. I feel comfortable carrying it knowing I'll have a huge panel to hide behind.
Thanks again PBA for the great products.
When it comes to armor, if you want something light so you can be quick and/or carry more ammo, med supplies, etc., and still want the best protection… get these. Sure they’re not level 4… but they cover the most likely rounds to be used in an urban environment. Quit thinking Level 4 is the best and get these, you’ll be thoroughly impressed. Hell even my 10 year old loves them! Would be great for their backpack too.
Love this new little sling with the panel in it beautiful exactly how it describe on the website
Have always worn soft armor, generally in outside carrier working law enforcement and military. Needed to up protection from rifle fire. Did not want heavy steel plates. Polyethylene the ticket for weight and protection. The Fortis III+ very nice. Light, 3.4 lbs each, multi curve, comfortable, have protective coating, fabric, nice. I put them in a Agilite K19 carrier. Overall more comfortable, easier to move than the outer carriers and soft armor I have worn before. Weight is crucial in extended wearing of vest, especially when adding pouches, ammo, radio, etc. These plates really help in reducing weight and no compromise on protection. The price was a factor along with quality and protection level. These plates nailed it, don't know how you could get anything better for this price. Company is legit, background In manufacture sold me also. You will not be disappointed in the Fortis III+ multi-curve plates.
I’ve put it to use on the job as an AEMT and it does it’s job well. It keeps me at more of a peace of mind knowing I have a bit of protection going to calls and it doesn’t get in the way of my patient care.
First, I want to thank the customer support team that helped me with my return. The first sling pack was way too small. Y’all suggested another one that was larger. It was a perfect size and I love the way it hugs my body. Second, love the way your body armor fits in the sling pack. It’s a perfect pairing. Now let’s talk about the combo. This has to be one of the nicest packs I have ever bought. Honestly I didn’t know much about the Viktos brand. WOW!! Very nicely constructed. I love the fact I can put in my side x side while out on the ranch. It holds everything that might be needed.
Again thank you to everyone. Pease keep up with quality products like this. You have a customer for life! Thank you!
James Moffat
Caballo, NM
Fantastic Product - Armor Fits like a Glove. Also, it was very convenient to get the bag with the armor.
While it inherently seems a little bit silly to armor a fanny pack, premier and VertX are a perfect match as always. And silly or not, now I've got an extra layer of 3A soft armor to throw over one of my children, sling across my chest, etc if ever needed. It's big enough to protect vitals, and my gun rides in the socp pack as well. This is a great setup for short walks and hikes, or summertime on the boat
By far the most concealable body armor I own. I am 5’11 and 155 lbs. I got a small and was so worried that the armor wouldn’t be concealable since I’m on the thinner side, but I was dead wrong. I had a hoodie ready to throw on in order to show it concealed further, but there would be no point. You can’t see anything with this size SMALL under-armor polo on…that’s actually impressive premier. Great job.
I have wore the product multiple times now and have received many compliments on the fact that you can’t hardly tell I’m wearing it. Also it is very comfortable in comparison to other similar products on the market. I’m very happy with the product.
Fit as described quality products from a American family company.
Great shirt. Very discrete to wear. Proud to support and American company
Chris White
November 01, 2022
Don’t forget to stay hydrated. Just because it isn’t hot out doesn’t mean you don’t need to drink fluids.